Well lets just say I am in Brunei and I am using dial up to surf... Yes, pretty damn slow.
I have written 3 post already since then, but because of the snail paced internet loading images to the post takes too long to upload. Lets just say that I can go get lunch in town, eat lunch at home, take a massive crap after lunch and still the image will not be loaded. Where is the fun of just reading when you can have images included with the text. Also this blog is not like some political info-rama blog where text is more valuable then images....well in most cases text is important unless there is a image of Dr. K caught with his pants down or some incriminating photos of the Malaysian executives...How juicy will that be...but no. this blog is not that type. On some occasions will I post something serious but this blog will remain to be my filtered inner thoughts on cyber space.
So until I am able to connect to better internet speed I will continue writing post for this blog and save it till the time comes again for me to update
a truly acquired taste!